G'day! Welcome to this outrageous display of truth and sincerity, with a bit of humour tossed in to ease the pain and throw rocks at. Here’s my take on life's amazing journey. So, come see the view from here.
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Here is the location of Fort (Lane) Street, Sandown. It is up from the beach. The likely position of the Georgian house is on the left hand side of Fort Lane, just in around the bend, as you approach from the left hand end (having passed the Church on your right, which is situated in the fork of the Y interestion).
Wooton Bridge main drag. The white building is the gas showroom. Down hill is toward the ferry. I think St Edmunds is up the street and off a side road to the right. Not sure tho. This picture shows the three double-fronted buildings of interest to me.
St Edmunds, Wootton Bridge. The back of James Johnson's headstone is in the foreground, about 6 rows back from the end of the church. The side of the church here has the entrance door.
I think the Georgian house may be to the rightof this one. Note the gable wall and how the roof drops to the back. Also, the angle of the road at front is not on the same alignment. I think the Georgian house, if it still remains, could be behind the skillion roofed structure (garage?)at the end of this building. Hope so!
Fort Lane Georgian - Note how the gable of the left side building (out of view) hangs near the house, and how the fence line is slightly forward at the left. The door where Thomas Johnson is standing is an additional door added to the building.