Warm Thoughts
It is cold and blustery here today. But the fluffy quilt-mist is rolling over the mountain to keep it warm, its extremity stretches out and then curls under. The trembling trees grab its fraying edges whenever they can, and hold it with their leafy fingers to their chest. And, so the mountain finds contentment amid the storm.
Hi again, Pete...I had to create a new blog (Long story) and now have a new address:
http://debrasotherthoughts.blogspot.com/ I hate to ask, but could you update your links with this new address, pretty please? Thanks so much and I hope I'll see you soon over at the new place. :o) ...Debra
Tracie, Deb and Lori... thanks for your thoughtful words, and for stopping by my blog. Hope you all get to experience such warm thoughts too.
Thank you for the encouraging words, Jamie. It will be a blessing to have you blogging over here anytime.
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