Operation: Get Back Home ASAP
Today Sharyn and I took the one hour drive in blazing heat to Royal Newcastle Hospital for her appointment at the Orthopaedic Clinic.
The above picture was taken post-op day 3.
THE CONSULTATION: After Sharyn had to remind her hand specialist that she'd had an operation performed by him two weeks ago (duh!), in response to his question, What did we do last? (i.e. he couldn't find it in his notes), he advised the results of her wrist op from memory. While not all that encouraging, there doesn't appear to be any major continuing dramas, mainly much of the same and possibly a gradual improvement over time.
We were then sent to the occupational therapist for manipulation and advice on exercises. She was an American but we didn't mention the war. Sharyn performed a grip strength test: 7 kg force, right op. hand; 13kg force, left non-favoured hand. (I scored 40kg each side, because I like to fiddle with new things).
While there we scoured Sharyn's file for more information as we were not satisfied that she had been told everything by the specialist that she didn't have a reasonable clue about in the first place. Then we discovered the Operation Form, details below, and asked for a copy. If we hadn't we would still be in the dark about certain details of the op.
MRN: set of numbers goes here.
Name: yada yada yada.
Medicos: ditto.
Pre-op diagnosis: TFCC tear of right wrist.
Op. performed: Arthroscopy and debridement of TFCC right wrist.
Operation details follow.
Patient was anaesthetised, IV antibiotics were administered, above elbow tourniquet was applied and the limb was prepped and draped in the routine fashion. A 3, 4 and 6 port hole was utilised to explore the proximal carpal joint. On inspection there was mild synovitis of the dorsal ulnar aspect of the radiocarpal joint and there was a partial thickness central tear of the TFCC. This was debrided back to a stable rim. The inflammation in the dorsal radiocarpal joint was also debrided. A mid carpal port hole was then -made and there was found to be some mild inflammation on the ulnar side of the mid-carpal joint. This was no[t de]brided. The wound was irrigated, local anaesthetic was infiltrated and wounds closed with steristrips. Pressure dresssing [sic] was applied.
[.... of course we know what all this means and feel better for it!]
POST OPERATIVE ORDERS; discharge this evening in high sling [never happened, sling never supplied], dressing intact until review in clinic in two weeks [which was today].
Other discussion from specialist was that the wrist needs to be exercised to strengthen. Activities include, believe it or not...
- dish-washing, especially as warm water good;
- ironing;
- folding washing;
- vacuuming;
- ball squeezing;
- wrist exercises as per O.T. supplied diagrams, including swinging a hammer.
As you can appreciate I concur with the Specialist's on most of these recommendations, and will co-operate as best I am able, however reluctant I may be to surrender the domestic responsibilities which I have grown to love doing. I am also happy to be in the same room for all but one of the above.
Another follow-up appointment made for 11am on 11/11.
Patient and husband are doing well; having discharged themselves for fresh fish and prawn shopping at the Newcastle Fishermens Co-op, followed by lunch at Nana and Pop's place. Nice but slow drive home in the heat, with the necessary indulgence of water icebocks enroute, purchased at Morpeth.
For those interested I hope that fills you in.

The above picture was taken post-op day 3.
THE CONSULTATION: After Sharyn had to remind her hand specialist that she'd had an operation performed by him two weeks ago (duh!), in response to his question, What did we do last? (i.e. he couldn't find it in his notes), he advised the results of her wrist op from memory. While not all that encouraging, there doesn't appear to be any major continuing dramas, mainly much of the same and possibly a gradual improvement over time.
We were then sent to the occupational therapist for manipulation and advice on exercises. She was an American but we didn't mention the war. Sharyn performed a grip strength test: 7 kg force, right op. hand; 13kg force, left non-favoured hand. (I scored 40kg each side, because I like to fiddle with new things).
While there we scoured Sharyn's file for more information as we were not satisfied that she had been told everything by the specialist that she didn't have a reasonable clue about in the first place. Then we discovered the Operation Form, details below, and asked for a copy. If we hadn't we would still be in the dark about certain details of the op.
MRN: set of numbers goes here.
Name: yada yada yada.
Medicos: ditto.
Pre-op diagnosis: TFCC tear of right wrist.
Op. performed: Arthroscopy and debridement of TFCC right wrist.
Operation details follow.
Patient was anaesthetised, IV antibiotics were administered, above elbow tourniquet was applied and the limb was prepped and draped in the routine fashion. A 3, 4 and 6 port hole was utilised to explore the proximal carpal joint. On inspection there was mild synovitis of the dorsal ulnar aspect of the radiocarpal joint and there was a partial thickness central tear of the TFCC. This was debrided back to a stable rim. The inflammation in the dorsal radiocarpal joint was also debrided. A mid carpal port hole was then -made and there was found to be some mild inflammation on the ulnar side of the mid-carpal joint. This was no[t de]brided. The wound was irrigated, local anaesthetic was infiltrated and wounds closed with steristrips. Pressure dresssing [sic] was applied.
[.... of course we know what all this means and feel better for it!]
POST OPERATIVE ORDERS; discharge this evening in high sling [never happened, sling never supplied], dressing intact until review in clinic in two weeks [which was today].
Other discussion from specialist was that the wrist needs to be exercised to strengthen. Activities include, believe it or not...
- dish-washing, especially as warm water good;
- ironing;
- folding washing;
- vacuuming;
- ball squeezing;
- wrist exercises as per O.T. supplied diagrams, including swinging a hammer.
As you can appreciate I concur with the Specialist's on most of these recommendations, and will co-operate as best I am able, however reluctant I may be to surrender the domestic responsibilities which I have grown to love doing. I am also happy to be in the same room for all but one of the above.
Another follow-up appointment made for 11am on 11/11.
Patient and husband are doing well; having discharged themselves for fresh fish and prawn shopping at the Newcastle Fishermens Co-op, followed by lunch at Nana and Pop's place. Nice but slow drive home in the heat, with the necessary indulgence of water icebocks enroute, purchased at Morpeth.
For those interested I hope that fills you in.
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